Title Management Performance Issue Hours

We are reminding TM users of hours where there may be performance issues or hours to avoid all together. During these hours, you may experience issues searching for records in TM at non-usual workday hours, nights, and weekends. Batch jobs are running during these times and could affect the users.

Jobs start around 8:00 pm CT and typically finishes before 6:00 am CT the next day. Users can experience performance issues during this time

Job 1 starts at 12:33pm CT and could run from 2 to 5 hours. Certainly, avoid this time! If you try to search for titles during this time, you could experience trouble.

Job 2 starts at 5:10pm CT and could run from 3 to 6 hours. Users can experience performance issues during this time.

Job starts at 9:30 am CT and usually takes 2-3 hours to complete. Users can experience performance issues during this time.

Thank you for your time and let me know if you have questions.